Saturday, 28 February 2015

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FUTO 2014/2015 New Academic Calendar

THE Federal University of Science and Technology, Owerri (FUTO) Management board, has just released her adjusted Academic Calender for 2014/2015 Session, and here's the academic calendar.

1.Fresh students come into residence9th November, 2014
2.Registration of all fresh students begins10th November, 2014
3.Old students come into residence16th November, 2014
4.Registration of old students begins/    Orientation for fresh students17th November, 2014
5.Lectures begin for all students/ Lecture Week I24th November, 2014
6.Senate27th November, 2014
7.Lectures Week 21st December, 2014
8.Convocation6th December, 2014
9.Lectures Week 38th December, 2014
10.Lectures Week 415th December, 2014
11.Registration ends for all students19th December, 2014
12.Christmas/New Year Break20th December, 2014 to3rd January, 2015
13.Extended Break4th January, 2015 to 21st January, 2015
14.All students return to campus22th January, 2015
15.Lectures Week 526thJanuary, 2015
16.Senate29th January, 2015
17.Lectures Week 62nd February, 2015
18.Lectures Week 79th February, 2015
19.Lectures Week 816th February, 2015
20.Matriculation20th February, 2015
21.Lectures Week 923rd February, 2015
22.Senate26th February, 2015
23.Lectures Week 102nd March, 2015
24.Lectures Week 119th March, 2015
25.Lectures Week 1216th March, 2015
26.Lectures Week 1323rd March, 2015
27.Senate26th March, 2015
28.Revision30thMarch, 2015
29.Harmattan Semester Examinations begin7th April, 2015
30.Harmattan Semester Examination continues13th April, 2015
31.Harmattan Semester Examination continues20th April, 2015
32.End of Harmattan Semester25th April, 2015
33.Harmattan Semester Break26th April to 9th May, 2015
34.Senate30th May, 2015

1.All students return to campus10th May, 2015
2.Lectures Week I11th May, 2015
3.Lectures Week 218th May, 2015
4.Lectures Week 325th May, 2015
5.Senate28th May, 2015
6.Lectures Week 41st June, 2015
7.Lectures Week 58th June, 2015
8.Lectures Week 615th June, 2015
9.Lectures Week 722nd June, 2015
10.Senate25th June, 2015
11.Lectures Week 829th June, 2015
12.Lectures Week 96th July, 2015
13.Lectures Week 1013th July, 2015
14.Lectures Week 1120th July, 2015
15.Lectures Week 1227th July, 2015
16.Senate30th July, 2015
17.Revision3rd August, 2015
18.Rain Semester Examinations begins10th August, 2015
19.Rain Semester Examinations continue17th August, 2015
20.End of Rain Semester Examinations22th August, 2015
21.Vacation23rdAugust to 18th August, 2015
22.2015/2016 Academic Session begins19th October, 2015
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